Friday, December 08, 2006


[Wk_Dt] How to reduse the Day Trade cost

The day trade practise today encounters the following problems
1. 15% cost is consumed.
2. Two account mixed to cause slow reaction.
3. Reading the book simultaneitly cause to ignore the important factors. And the book reading is inefficient.
4. Slow calculation skill caulse the lose of oppotunity. Always look up the history for forgotten amount.
5. Too much expectation to lost the oppotunity
6. the largest wave would appears in the begining 30 minutes & last 30 minutes.

In order to handle the above problem, following mesurements should be carry out
1. reduse the day trade account to only one, no new sums would be added until the skill is matured
2. reduse the action time in 1 hour, half in begining and half in ending. for 600018
3. The book reading will concentrate on title & Q&A style.
4. Try to remember the percentage and amout firmly. Do some practising. If necessary, use paper.
5. Don't care too much about the percentage difference, only about the top and bottom, especially in the peak time.

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