Monday, October 23, 2006


[Fn_St] Wait

Wait, I'm so afraid to wait, because when calm down, I feel it hard to face the real problems.

But now I have to, it is the first lession the world taught me when I fell in love with someone.

As an invester, Pacience and confident is the most important charactor that help you succeed.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


[Fn_Ka] Kasamba work about envelope adress batch printing

Q:computor programmes british
10-22 hi i need a bitish computor whizz i need to know where to buy a progamme to store addreess from clients for a milaing list and print it on to labels and i need a programme that u put in postal coe ad it brings up adresses

The steps to batch print labels of adress using Star Envelope Printer Pro(SEPP):

0:  Export the Adress info of your clients,from you email tool, outlook express, outlook, foxmail for example, to *.cvs format or directly to *.xls format.

1: Save the *.csv client info file as *.xls in excel, and back it up(*.xls file is the main file to maintain you client information from now on)

2: download SEPP from the following URL & install,
Open SEPP, and import mailing adress from *.csv file

Default Layout

Follow the import wizard with the red rectangula label

Select *.xls file

Match the *.xls columnes with envelop label colume

Select the columns to be transfer

Set the filter of your clients

After all the above steps, You have transfer you client datas to the SEPP.

3: Preview & print with 5 line per label
(it has two ways to print , envelop style or label style, the latter can print about 7 to 10 adresses per page)

The printed effect :

style of multiline label

style of single envelope

The tool is adaptable, and easy to use. You can get its cost form

Want to find the adress with postal code ? use Excel directly. Ctrl+F

small trics of using the tool:
1.the *.xls filter dosen't work well, you have to remove unprint clients from *.xls to be transfer.
2.copy the column "Name" twice in *.xls for index, by matching it with SortName, so you can find it in adress interface
3.Clasify your client with a new column, and match it with group, and then you can filter by the keyword.
4.The *.xls can be changed to Acess, as smallsized database, which can help you do more work, especially on data handling. But it require much more develope time.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


[Wk_Pl] Planing for the next two months

The following changes appear in my new plan:
1.More adaptable
  Realizing the investing is the most profitable job for me
  Admitting the very deadline before my real new job is early March 2007.
  Removing the conflict time, discovering the period is twice the original.
  More work has been done to evaluate more accurit work loan, and as well as to remove the none importance.
  The standard of stopping each work is given.

2.The communicating skill is put to a more important position.

3.The printed letters is big enough to skim withou difficulty.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


[Bl_Hp] How to read the title

You can find many topics of my articles, which headed with [], and different capital words scoped in, for the contents of my articles can be divided into following types:

[Tp_XX] -- The daily log of travel. Tp--Trip, XX--Is the subtype of the main. In [Tp] type the XX meanse the city or province traveled. [Tp_Sc]--Trip to SiChuan, for example.
[Fn_XX] -- The log about financial news in china or all my hard working to solve my financial problem.
[Wk_XX] -- Just the daily work, or things thought without limitation.
[Cb_XX] -- The log about Chinese boxing of TaichiQuan.
[Bl_XX] -- About my log, [Bl_Hp] means the help of my log.


Friday, October 13, 2006


[Tp_Cd] Digital Jiuzhai 2

The artical is a brief translation of gov's post discribing Digital Jiuzhai, and gave a solid and complete answer to my question of Digital Jiuzhai 1.

The intent of the change start from 1985, after 18 years planing, the greate project of Digital Jiuzhai is completely confirmed by gov. and start to carry out in 2000, which including a short term goal and long term goal, the formmer start from 2000 to 2005, and the latter will be finished in 2020. The cost has reaching 62 million till now. It's not hard to find how firm the desition has made by the gov..

Of all measurement made, I select severial important :
1.Fix the plank road more than 60KM built along a cliff

2.Build the Nuorilang Service Center within 360000 squire meter.

3.Green biological toilet

4.Intellectual contsruction. The source of material of building shall not from local.

5.Reconstruct road of 38 KM which accoding to "minimize the distroy and maxmize the recovery".

6.Build the biological enviroment. Including pulling down all the trading houses of residents about 100 thousand meter square, and recovery back to greenland.

7.Build 4 atmosphere station and 5 protecting station .

8.Redusing the mountain geography disaster.

More pain more gain.

I can feel the proudness of the guide of Jiuzhai now. And I also feel proud of china, who posses such a beautiful place and protect it so well. Not easy at all.

plank road built along a cliff

Thursday, October 12, 2006


[Wk] self-reflection

1. Don't do work the way just as you ought to.

In chinese it's called Xing Er Shang Xue, which means, to do something the way they ought to look like, but in fact not.

In chinese there is another saying to sing high praise for this kind, Xuan Liang Ci Gu, which means once apon a time there was a researcher, though he is very tired, he is still managed to maintain the pose of reading, by hanging his hair up with girder, and stabing himself to keep awake.

But I think in a real world, any negligence will cost a lot more pain. To do work without concious is a big mistake.

2.There is another problem. If you are not qualified, higher you climb, the hardder pain you will suffer ater falling down, and earlier the death you will face in such a fast rolling world.


[Fn_Ga] No reward of $

Internet Testing Products2006-10-11 14:00 no reward

Today is the last day of my working on Google Answer.

After more than a week's work, I found a terrible mistake I have made, there is no reward for comment. I never even have the right. The signed up user is not automatically become an researcher. Google is strict to choose its researchers, temporarily do not accept additional applications.

Till now I am almost two weeks delay. Needless to say, I was terribly depressed, until I found this
A real researcher,professional, I have to admit, so much work for only 10$.

But on the other hand, google is impressive, especially after my comparing log analysis tools, and embedding a Google Analytics script into a blog. I felt very surpprised, for the search engine possess the overwhelming market users of more than 60% of all. Plain & fast reaction style, clear and good workflow design, excellent performance, and also the professional researcher team. And you can't imagine how many works behind it. And most important of all, it knows how to control its pace in booming, a very good characteristic of invester's target.

Though no reward, oneday I will come back as my interest.

Tomorrow I will turn to , and start to build my web selling market about financial software.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


[FN] Log Analysis Software Comparization

Internet Testing Products2006-10-11 14:00 Here

There are digital marketing vendors that inspire confidence with large customer bases. There are digital marketing vendors that associate themselves with innovation.There are digital marketing vendors that improve the website to increase ROI . Log Analysis helps. The companies in the field is growing in a rapid speed. But a lot of funds is required.

Here is a simple list of the companies devoting in web analysis .

Overview of all products inspected
Nedstat *****
WebTrends ***
Bisualsciences **
Google Analytics **** easy to use & free, great for blog owner
AWStat *** To small website
ClickZ ?

Detail of the recommanded:

SituationGermany, UK, Spain & France
Gained Atomz Search acquisition in March 2005, which increases its total enterprise customers to more than 1,000. Greater than 90 percent customer retention rates. June 2005 reported by IDC.
CustomersMore than 1,400 global
Products1.Website analytics
2.Website search ----email marketing, site search, search engine optimization (SEO)
3.keyword bid management (SEM)----- behavioral targeting
4.Web content management
An integration platform. Optimization services. A growing ecosystem of partners.

Customersa lot of world famous companies, including Microsoft intranet, Nicon UK, AMD, Disney Internet Group, IBM, Motorola, Nokia, US Navy
Products1.Web traffic(Log) Ananlyzer (Single PC)-----is Typical Log Ananlyzer, It can download raw log files from different sources (Internet, Intranet, Network and local hard drives) and generate reports in HTML and MS Word format. These reports can be viewed in most web browsers (or by SurfStats Website Traffic Analyzer) and can be imported into other programs like Microsoft Word.

2.Live Real-Time Reporting Server ----- Same function , but BS structure to be realtime

3.eSurvey -----An advanced application to conduct surveys that runs on the Windows Operating System. It is an application for creating, deploying and tracking responses to surveys conducted over the Internet or a local Intranet.
Competitive advantageaffordable for the market ,convenient for the customer to obtain and to evaluate, relatively easy to configure and use, fast and reliable in operation.

Customersmore than 1,000 customers across 70 countries. Many world famous like Ford, Mitsubish motors, Nissan, Toyota, WWW, Hp, Lucent tech, MS, Oracle, PalmOne, Versign, Visa, Nasdaq¡¯35, Deutsche bank, 3Com, GE, Pepsi, Siemens, CNN, Discovery, ebay, hpShopping, Msn, Wal Mart
Products1.SiteCatalyst -----Take the website to next level, bring deeper insight into online business, interactive tools would be applied to the insight you need on the business, the ability to effectively present the critical information to everyone who needs it, personalized support from acknowIedgable experience consultant.

2.Discover----- To discover the specific targeted segments, symila type of reports available in SiteCatalyst.It allows you to dig deeper, and explore the detail of many new previously undefined visiter segments.

3.Search Center ----- famouse for its Right Audience, Real results, made easy
Competitive advantageMarket Leader, Award Winning Technology, Industry Recognized Innovation, Enterprise-Class Services
Demo extreamly professional


[Fn_Ga] Testing the SurfStats

Internet Testing Products2006-10-11 14:00  

Yesterday, I went over WAA Sites, reading introductions. Today, I try to use them.

Very interesting. Powerful, concise, easy to use.

Great thanks to SurfStats.

Test referencing to Lan

Monday, October 09, 2006


[Fn_Ga] Studying WAA Software

Internet Testing Products2006-10-11 14:00  

Recently, I took another project in google answer, inspecting the marcket of Web Analytics & Analysis Software.

It's much easier than the last one -- Same day courier. The good feeling of exciting lasts for quite time, until I found the reason. The feeling mainly derived from the more powful software vender, more convinience and straight forward interface they design, and elegant sentances they are advtising, but not my increasing ability.

And now I would like to express my feeling about severial products I inspected:

1. The most impressive feeling comes from omniture, I found it from WAA, though being left in the end of the line, the whole performance of the web site design struct me most especially when skimming over their flash demo. The reader's mind was clear and easy to understanding by the excellency of professional, really attatching to the importance, KISS style. The software include SiteCatalyst, SiteCatalyst 13, & Discover. I give it 5 asterisk. *****

2.The second is European's Nedstat Company. Its easy & fast style attracted me. It has two products the high-end Sitestat and Nedstat Pro for small and medium websites. ****

3.Other softwares have been or will be inspected , such as SurfStats, WebTrends, WebSideStory, Bisualsciences, CoreMetrics, Google Analytics, AWStat, ClickZ, Nielsen//NetRatings's RedSheriff .

Feeling beyoned inspectation:

Beside this, more reward I achieved is the goal of my work becomesv more clear and positive. My work is not to take care of the questioner's feeling to earn money, but to bring them value or increase their value. Quite different from my last work's attitude. Thank god.

So I went over my last failed project, in my emplyed period, and get the following points:
1. More practise should be apply before you submit a solusion, and the demo is just a refference.
2. To apply point 1, the clear and real workflow studing is important.
3. And I did a bad job in the last project to give or increase my boss any value. I'm quite sorry about it.

Tommorrow will be beter.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


[Tp_Sc] Hurrying between Chuanzhusi & Huanglong

NoDateLocationDetails & Cost
49-14-> [Tn_Czs] -> [Vl_Hl] -> [Tn_Czs] Enjoy our time in Huanglong with ticket 200¥. Slept in Chuanzhusi(But the farmer's house in Huanglong is recommended 30¥), and bought some tibet decoration before leaving.
According to the road between Huanglong and Chuanzhusi, we were astonished at the site of the following scene.

On our way back to Chuanzhusi, our taxi droved into a cloud.

After a while, the cloud was passed over and left behind.


[Tp_Sc] Huanglong

NoDateLocationDetails & Cost
49-14-> [Tn_Czs] -> [Vl_Hl] -> [Tn_Czs] Enjoy our time in Huanglong with ticket 200¥. Slept in Chuanzhusi(But the farmer's house in Huanglong is recommended 30¥), and bought some tibet decoration before leaving.

HuangLong in chinese means the yellow dragon.
Because the clear water is calcifing the ground, when you overlook the river in an eggbeater, it's just like a yellow dragon.


[Tp_Sc] Deep Original Forest

NoDateLocationDetails & Cost
39-12 ~ 9-13[Vl_Jzg]Two days's ticket of 310¥ and enjoyed our time.

When our car was climbing up the mountain, I wondered is there anything more than the taller trees standing along the roadside in the deeper origional .

Yeh, I found more later. When time axes is extanding out of limitation, you can find recycle of life.


[Tp_Sc] Digital Jiuzhai 1

The good organization of Jiuzhai is national standard, which reserve to make a good artical.
All this is no more than 12$
NoDateLocationDetails & Cost
39-12 ~ 9-13JiuzhaigouTwo days's ticket of 310¥ and enjoyed our time.

How they managed do it?Strolling along the plank road built along a cliff in Jiuzhaigou, I was trying hard to explain the question. In the entrance of Jiuzhaigou, large clowd of travellers flow in, and soon picked up by buses coming one after another, and the waiting team doesn't grow longer. The road circling around the mountain sometimes isn't wide enough to accomodate three buses, but no traffic jam happens event at the sight with largest sums of visiters.

Wait for bus at a station, you can see the broader road here.

At the biggest bus station of Deep Original Forest, the waiting buses tailing one after another.

This is a smaller station, travelers wating, and the soldiers helping to keep order.

On the other direction at same time, the bus is coming. All the people passing across the road through channel.

At 17:20 we returned in perhaps the last bus, you can see the satisfiying smill from Mum's face. After the whole trip, she doesn't feel very tired though she is the weakest among us.

There are more than 10 stations along one side , you can get off or pick up at any that you want. What does it mean? You can retun to your best view after looking around by bus. And the pay for all the bus service is only no more than 12$, incredable!

How did they managed to do it?
During the way back, we are the only passengers, I consulted the driver. He told me there are 3 channel of wireless communication, the one he was in possess 300 users, they talk to each other with the ID Num of their own. The guide told us they call this the Digital Jiuzhai.

Supprising Digital Jiuzhai, after the trip I returned home, and looked it up in the web sight.

Next time I will translate the Digital Jiuzhai from gov's publish.
Which answered every ? of my mind.


[Tp_Sc] Jiuzhaigou

NoDateLocationDetails & Cost
39-12 ~ 9-13[Vl_Jzg]Two days's ticket of 310¥ and enjoyed our time.

My family in ShuZheng Fall

Long Lake

House of tibetan

Potted Beach

Location: Located in Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, about 450 km north of Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province

Physical Features: High altitude karst land features including calcareous tufa shoals, waterfalls, stepped lakes, high mountains and forests

Nationalities: Tibetan, Qiang, Hui, Han

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


[Tp_Sc] Trip to Jiuzhaigou -- Time table

NoDateLocationDetails & Cost
19-8 15:20~ 9-10 8:00[Ct_Gz] -> [Ct_Cd]Railway sleeper 480¥. And then strolled around the Hongxing Walking Street in Chengdu .
29-11 7:00~ 17:00-> [Vl_Jzg]Bus 121¥.
39-12 ~ 9-13Two days's ticket of 310¥ and enjoyed our time.
49-14-> [Tn_Czs] -> [Vl_Hl] -> [Tn_Czs] Enjoy our time in Huanglong with ticket 200¥. Slept in Chuanzhusi(But the farmer's house in Huanglong is recommended 30¥), and bought some tibet decoration before leaving.
59-15-> [Ct_Cd]Bus 121¥.
69-16 ~ 9-17-> [Mt_Qcs] -> [Ct_Cd]
Bus 26 ¥, slept in TaiAn Town of Mt Qingcheng for 50¥. Return in bus 26¥.
79-18 ~ 9-20[Ct_Cd] -> [Ct_Gz]The first day, we enjoy our moning traveling around Chengdu city, and especially in the Street JinLi.In the evening, railway sleeper back home.

Guangzhou City - [Ct_Gz]
Jiuzhaigou Valley - [Vl_Jzg]
Mt Qingchengshan - [Mt_Qcs]
Chengdu City- [Ct_Cd]
Vl_Huanglong - [Vl_Hl]
Chuanzhusi Town - [Tn_Czs]
Others: ¥ -- Yuan (RenMinBi)

Sunday, October 01, 2006


[FN] To solve the financial problem

In order to solve the financial problem, I’m working on Google answer.

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